September 17, 2018

Mike Milken plays down trade tensions, warns on tech regulation

Billionaire philanthropist Mike Milken has played down the threat posed by trade tensions sparked by United States President Donald Trump, and warned that global tech giants will eventually be regulated.

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How Facebook can rethink success, according to behavioural economist Dan Ariely

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Leading fund managers have gathered in Melbourne's Hamer Hall for the third Australian Sohn Hearts and Minds investment leaders conference.
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In the world of macro hedge funds Scott Bessent could be regarded as royalty. The 55-year-old from South Carolina has worked alongside luminaries of the industry such as George Soros, Stanley Druckenmiller and Jim Chanos, orchestrating some of the most fabled bets in recent markets history.
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Scott Bessent is preparing for 'The Great Divergence'

In the world of macro hedge funds Scott Bessent could be regarded as royalty. The 55-year-old from South Carolina has worked alongside luminaries of the industry such as George Soros, Stanley Druckenmiller and Jim Chanos, orchestrating some of the most fabled bets in recent markets history.

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APS investment chief outlines top short ideas

When Kok Hoi Wong analyses a stock, he's not just concerned with next year's earnings. The APS Asset Management chief investment officer frequently finds himself playing detective and fact-checking by doing his own sleuthing.

Hold your nerve. The trends of software infiltrating every industry, and every company becoming a tech company - are only just beginning.
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Top tech investors say hold your nerve as FAANGs bitten

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A gap year three years into his medical career at Melbourne’s St Vincent’s Hospital arguably laid the foundation for Brian McNamee to lead Australia’s most successful biopharmaceutical company, CSL.
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Back to the future for Brian McNamee at CSL

A gap year three years into his medical career at Melbourne’s St Vincent’s Hospital arguably laid the foundation for Brian McNamee to lead Australia’s most successful biopharmaceutical company, CSL.

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Private equity bids raise hopes

Two potential private equity deals worth $4.6 billion do not yet spell the start of a new takeover boom, but there are at least signs that at last Australia is joining the offshore deal trend.

When Leah Zell, one of the world's most highly regarded international small cap investors, took the stage at the Sohn Hearts and Minds conference in Sydney two years ago, she memorably presented a Turkish supermarket, BIM, as one of the best ideas in her universe.
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Leah Zell: modern value investing is all about cashflow

When Leah Zell, one of the world's most highly regarded international small cap investors, took the stage at the Sohn Hearts and Minds conference in Sydney two years ago, she memorably presented a Turkish supermarket, BIM, as one of the best ideas in her universe.

Enterprise software companies such as Australian trailblazer Atlassian will increasing replace consumer-focused technology firms as the hottest tech stocks of the future, according to a leading New York fund manager.
September 25, 2018
Enterprise software firms like Atlassian hot stocks of future: US tech fund Tekne

Enterprise software companies such as Australian trailblazer Atlassian will increasing replace consumer-focused technology firms as the hottest tech stocks of the future, according to a leading New York fund manager.

It may be one of the fastest boutique fund management builds seen in Australia. Long-short manager Firetrail Investments announced this week that it is already profitable, just over six months since opening its doors. And by the close of the September quarter next week it expects to announce the funds under management have “comfortably passed” $2 billion.
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Boutique Firetrail on the fast track to profitability

It may be one of the fastest boutique fund management builds seen in Australia. Long-short manager Firetrail Investments announced this week that it is already profitable, just over six months since opening its doors. And by the close of the September quarter next week it expects to announce the funds under management have “comfortably passed” $2 billion.

Financier and philanthropist Michael Milken says investors are "dramatically underestimating the risks" of putting their money into investment grade bonds.
September 19, 2018
Milken fires investment grade bond warning

Financier and philanthropist Michael Milken says investors are "dramatically underestimating the risks" of putting their money into investment grade bonds.

Star American philanthropist Michael Milken has urged Australians not to fear the rise of Amazon but be inspired by the unprecedented ability to view everyone in the world as a potential customer because of the digital technology revolution.
September 18, 2018
Don’t fear the digital revolution: Milken

Star American philanthropist Michael Milken has urged Australians not to fear the rise of Amazon but be inspired by the unprecedented ability to view everyone in the world as a potential customer because of the digital technology revolution.

It is 17,000km from Wall Street to Melbourne’s Flemington Road but it didn’t stop billionaire financier and philanthropist Michael Milken yesterday declaring the tyranny of distance dead.
September 18, 2018
Distance is dead, says Wall Street financier Michael Milken

It is 17,000km from Wall Street to Melbourne’s Flemington Road but it didn’t stop billionaire financier and philanthropist Michael Milken yesterday declaring the tyranny of distance dead.

Philanthropist Michael Milken has urged governments not to consider a universal basic income as a solution to the automation of the workforce, but to focus on subsidised housing, education, healthcare and childcare.
September 16, 2018
Handouts not answer to robot threat, says leading philanthropist

Philanthropist Michael Milken has urged governments not to consider a universal basic income as a solution to the automation of the workforce, but to focus on subsidised housing, education, healthcare and childcare.

Michael Milken has been described as man who has played an “outsized role” in American life. Yet even this seems an understatement for the 72-year-old Wall Street financier-turned-­philan­thropist.
September 8, 2018
Michael Milken leaves his mark, twice

Michael Milken has been described as man who has played an “outsized role” in American life. Yet even this seems an understatement for the 72-year-old Wall Street financier-turned-­philan­thropist.

The rapid rise of personalised medicine and associated better pricing for health insurance cover flowing from cutting-edge technologies such as genomics will provide exciting new investment opportunities, according to one of the ­nation’s top global equities managers.
September 4, 2018
Genomics among technologies breeding new investments

The rapid rise of personalised medicine and associated better pricing for health insurance cover flowing from cutting-edge technologies such as genomics will provide exciting new investment opportunities, according to one of the ­nation’s top global equities managers.

One of Australia's most successful fund managers, Peter Cooper, first tried meditation about 30 years ago when he was incredibly stressed out. He picked up a book, sat in a room and tried to focus.
September 2, 2018
Cooper Investing's Peter Cooper on zen and the art of investing

One of Australia's most successful fund managers, Peter Cooper, first tried meditation about 30 years ago when he was incredibly stressed out. He picked up a book, sat in a room and tried to focus.

Speedcast International affirmed guidance of $US155 million only last May. But announcing its half-year results on Tuesday, that guidance fell by at least $US10 million, sending its shares crashing 37.4 per cent.
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Speedcast sell-off a rare Sohn upset for Greencape

Speedcast International affirmed guidance of $US155 million only last May. But announcing its half-year results on Tuesday, that guidance fell by at least $US10 million, sending its shares crashing 37.4 per cent.

Riding the technology wave as an investment strategy can be a highly effective way to avoid the buffeting winds of uncertainties such as trade policy, says Regal Funds Management's Philip King.
August 16, 2018
Tech wave can swamp trade wars when it comes to investing

Riding the technology wave as an investment strategy can be a highly effective way to avoid the buffeting winds of uncertainties such as trade policy, says Regal Funds Management's Philip King.

The Australian public will get the opportunity to bankroll the best investment ideas from leading local and international fund managers while supporting medical research, in a new $100 million listed investment company.
August 16, 2018
New listed investment company to tap returns to back medical research

The Australian public will get the opportunity to bankroll the best investment ideas from leading local and international fund managers while supporting medical research, in a new $100 million listed investment company.

Sydney's most illustrious hedge funds – Caledonia, Regal and VGI Partners – have topped the charts with the best-performing stock picks at the 2017 Sohn Hearts and Minds charity conference.
August 15, 2018
Sydney funds shine with Sohn Hearts & Minds top picks

Sydney's most illustrious hedge funds – Caledonia, Regal and VGI Partners – have topped the charts with the best-performing stock picks at the 2017 Sohn Hearts and Minds charity conference.

Geopolitical tension, soaring debt and the withdrawal of support by central banks are top of mind issues for investors, according to high profile businessman and director Gary Weiss.
August 10, 2018
Investors seek answers to global headwinds and debt, says Weiss

Geopolitical tension, soaring debt and the withdrawal of support by central banks are top of mind issues for investors, according to high profile businessman and director Gary Weiss.

Star American philanthropist Michael Milken will make his first visit to Australia in almost a decade next month as part of a fresh push by the leaders of the annual Sohn Hearts & Minds investment conference to increase corporate support for medical research.
August 10, 2018
Michael Milken brings star power to medical research drive

Star American philanthropist Michael Milken will make his first visit to Australia in almost a decade next month as part of a fresh push by the leaders of the annual Sohn Hearts & Minds investment conference to increase corporate support for medical research.

Mr Milken, the man credited with pioneering the high-yield bond market in the 1980s will speak at two events held in Sydney and Melbourne in September as a curtain raiser to the Sohn Hearts & Minds Investment Leaders conference.
August 9, 2018
Junk bond king Michael Milken heading Down Under

Mr Milken, the man credited with pioneering the high-yield bond market in the 1980s will speak at two events held in Sydney and Melbourne in September as a curtain raiser to the Sohn Hearts & Minds Investment Leaders conference.

James Daggar-Nickson interviews Scott Bessent following his keynote at the 2018 Sohn Hearts & Minds Conference.
Your Money Sky Interview: Scott Bessent

James Daggar-Nickson interviews Scott Bessent following his keynote at the 2018 Sohn Hearts & Minds Conference.